I see now that I am starting to get web traffic from what I assume is my Instagram page. That being said I have a renewed interest in updating this blog; I won't lie it is difficult to muster up the desire to pour energy into something that only you look at. I will also have a little free-time after Friday now that I am in the position of having to find a job (don't you just love corporate America?). I make A LOT of "stuff" you can view some of that stuff on my Instagram page which can be viewed here . I will do my best to update this page more often and post my results from my crafty endeavors that I pursue from the likes of Pinterest, Ravelry, and the Internets as a whole. Like this Gir from Invader Zim that I made from a pattern I found on Ravelry from Nichole's Nerdy Knots . This girl comes up with some really fun stuff and I can't wait to check out more of her awesome free patterns. That's it for today have an AWESOME one!
This is the blog page for The Hawking Basket. Here you will find original projects, as well as "high-end" inspired DIYs, and even my attempts at & interpretations of Pinterest DIYs. As always I am open to requests and challenges! Thanks for stopping by!